AUTHOR: Eugene Boman

Eugene Boman is Professor, Emeritus at the Harrisburg campus of the Pennsylvania State University. He has taught college level mathematics since he began his graduate studies at the University of Connecticut in 1984. In 2008 he won the Carl B. Allendorfer Award for excellence in expository mathematical writing from the editors of Mathematics Magazine for the article “Mom! There’s an Astroid in My Closet” (Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 80 (2007), pp. 247-273). He earned his BA from Reed College in 1984. He earned his MA in 1986 and his Ph.D. in 1993, both from the University of Connecticut.

Publications by Eugene Boman

Differential Calculus: From Practice to Theory
Differential Calculus: From Practice to Theory
How We Got from There to Here: A Story of Real Analysis
How We Got from There to Here: A Story of Real Analysis