Adopt a Textbook

Course adoption of open textbooks is an important priority of the Milne Open Textbooks project. For most teaching faculty, there are four key considerations which go into the adoption of a particular text for their course:

There are several open textbook initiatives that provide free, high-quality open textbooks for use in courses.  For a list of textbook alternatives, visit Florida’s Open Access Textbooks Project resources page.


Using a Milne Open Textbook?

We’d love to know more about you! Submit your answers to our Adoption Questionnaire today.


Can I order a Desk Copy/Exam Copy?

Milne Open Textbooks are open and online, so we do not provide free desk copies. Some of our textbooks are available in print, however, and sold at printing/distribution costs. As of March 2020 the Milne Open Textbooks that are available for print are:


Contact Allison Brown for more information at